SunOpta Inc. is a leading company specializing in the sourcing, processing, and production of organic, natural and non-GMO plant- and fruit-based food and beverage product
We Rise
Everyday, our 1200+ employees in 2 countries rise with the sun
to create a brighter, healthier and sustainable future of food.
We Rise
To champion food innovators, visionaries, and leaders.
To cultivate an equitable, resilient, and vibrant food system.
To champion plant-based food and beverages-
it’s simply the smartest path to protect our natural resources.
To push the boundaries of organic farming.
To help farming families and people around the family table rise to their best.
To bring healthy food to cafes, cafeterias, and grocery carts.
To amplify the game changing trends and to define our own.
To accelerate growth and sustainable change around the globe.
We Rise To Fuel The Future Of Food
To deliver organic, healthy, and sustainable food solutions that improve lives. To maintain purity of our products and be the market leader in organic integrity. To be the leader in our fast-moving industry, with better execution than our competitors. To develop and retain great employees – great companies are made of great people.

To be a sustainable organization that is a global leader in organic and non-GMO food products driven by a spirit of continuous improvement, innovation and category expertise that enables the well-being of our employees, customers, consumers and other stakeholders.