SunOpta is proud to partner with some of the nation’s leading retailers to bring products for their store brands to life. We believe that store brands can and should be of a superior quality and delivered reliably at an affordable price. Our retail partners trust us to develop and produce their store brands in line with their stringent quality requirements and desired attributes.

We support retailers with new and existing store brand programs on the following product lines:
Our Research and Development (R&D) team works with you to develop superior products and ingredients that fit your requirements. SunOpta’s R&D team provides extensive knowledge and product expertise, and is composed of agronomists, food scientists, food technologists, process and packaging engineers, and quality and regulatory specialists.
We have solutions to meet the needs of your products. From aseptic packaging that specializes in Tetra Pak equipment to a roasting facility offering nitrogen-flushed pillow packs, pouches and bulk packaging, we can serve your needs. Creating solutions for your specific needs is our specialty.
We’ll work with you to select the right ingredients for your application as we develop products and packages to your exact specifications. Throughout the product development cycle, our professionals can work independently or in conjunction with your team to deliver the product and package you’re seeking. We’re here to help bring your products to market as fast as possible.
In all our facilities, we adhere to the highest level of quality control through programs including
AIB, MCIA, HACCP, Certified Organic, and Specialty (Kosher, IP Handling). Through our Identity Preserved (IP) program, we guarantee traceability in order to promote goodness from the ground up.
Located in our U.S. corporate office in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, the SunOpta Innovation Center is the cornerstone of our world-class Research and Development (R&D) department. Our 20 R&D staff members combine to bring nearly 250 years of industry experience and expertise in product ideation and development, cost savings, and process improvement. The SunOpta Innovation Center was designed to put customers first and involve them in every step of the product ideation and development process. We work with you to understand your product development needs and convert those innovation insights and market research into prototypes. The Innovation Center includes dedicated space for customer tastings and focus groups, and even has a secured entrance to protect your proprietary innovation.